Loggerhead Marinelife Center is on the East Coast of Florida - and is already preparing in case the effects of the oil spill come around the tip of Florida as projected. I will find out more from the West Coast today while there, however, LMC is very near to my home, and is the home of my first turtle portraits. PLEASE HELP them in any way you possibly can, if not in Florida, monetary donations would be great. This helps them overall in their mission. Also, if you would like to spread the word to involve others, please pass this information on, ask others to join OceansForLife on Facebook as I collect all information accessible about the needs down here in Florida.
BTW - :"Turtwig" is still recovering at LMC, and the painting of Turtwig the new acrylic medium is going fabulously! I love my switch! Below is a photo of Turtwig.
Dear Friends,
- Gift Cards –Grocery and Hardware Stores
- Kitchen Trash Bags
- Simple Green Cleaner
- KY Jelly
- Laundry Detergent (unscented)
- Windex Glass Cleaner
- Triple Antibiotic Oitment
- Baby Pools
ANYTHING YOU CAN DO IS AN IMMENSE HELP! Mostly, please try to spread the word about this page. I will try to load shirts with Neal on them soon so we can all wear his adorable face proudly and remind everyone who lives in our OCEANS, and keeps them healthy!!
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